Showing posts with label Machine Learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Machine Learning. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Question: What is Cognitive Computing?


According to one of the blog, the blogger has very well said, “Cognitive Computing is a simulation of human thought process in a computerized model” - it is as simple as that.

Just as human learns about new things, we make the machine learn in the same style. This makes the learning very intuitive and genuine. Actually, the learning process, even for the humans consists of four stages:
  1. Observation
  2. Interpretation
  3. Evaluation
  4. Decision

Humans first observe any new incident very closely. This is where we grasp all the details of the incident. This is followed by the interpretation of the incident and matching against some previously known incidents of the same relevance. This is where we form various hypothesis over the incident. The hypothesis may be true or may be false. Usually there is a human factor of correction or guidance in the case of humans that leaves us with only the correct set of hypothesis. This is evaluation phase of the hypothesis. Based on the resulting hypothesis, a decision is taken and the knowledge is acquired by the humans.

This era of computing is also known as ‘the era of cognitive computing’, as the machines as coded to learn in the same way as the humans do.

The advantages of cognitive computing are:
  1. There is a better interaction among the human expertise and the machine leading to a much refined knowledge.
  2. Efficient processing to spot opportunities and uncover issues in real time for faster and more efficient response.
  3. Better analytics of the data that is fed to the system.